Sample Itinerary
May 19: Arrivals
May 20: Pentecost Confirmations with Archbishop of Jerusalem by Upper Room
May 21-24: Prayer and work at Emmaus site and Beatitudes house
May 24-27: Beatitudes “Little Triduum”
May 27-June 2: Stay at site of Jesus’ Imprisonment/Peter’s Denial in Jerusalem
May 28: Tombs of Patriarchs in Hebron, West Bank;
visit icon workshop and St. Mariam in Bethlehem
May 29: Holocaust Museum, Visitation, Benedictus;
evening of folk dances with Israelis
May 30: Bethlehem Mass at Grotto, walk to Shepherds’ Field
May 31: Mt. Of Olives/Palm Sunday/Holy Thursday, Seder Meal
June 1: Good Friday, Shabbat in families
June 2: Mass at Holy Sepulchre, hike Road to Emmaus
Corpus Christi vespers, procession, all-night vigil in ruins
June 3: CC procession around Holy Site
June 4-10: Camp in Galilee
June 4: Train to Haifa, Cave of Elijah, sleep at Carmelite parish
June 5: Bus to Nazareth, sleep at Poor Clare convent 2 nights
June 7: Walk to Cana, bus to Sea of Galilee
June 8-9: Sea of Galilee sites
June 9: Hike up Mt Tabor, camp
June 10: Transfiguration Mass, bus and train to Emmaus
June 11-14: Work, study, prayer at Emmaus
June 14: Departures