Galilee Part Two
Following our time camping along the Sea, we continued on to Tabgha, to the site of the Primacy of Saint Peter—where Jesus asked Peter,...

Thanksgiving at Emmaus
Happy Thanksgiving from the Emmaus Immersion pilgrims! We were so blessed to be able to find a turkey and cranberries in Israel, and to...

On the Shores of Galilee
The moment arrived for the Emmaus pilgrims to backpack through the region of Galilee! Here Jesus spent most of his life, so there was a...

Emmaus House Life and All Saints
Shalom! We have spent over a month now settling in to life at Emmaus and integrating ourselves into the rich community life here. The...

Our Succot Pilgrimage
We arrived in Israel just in time for the Feast of Succot! Succot is one of the three primary Jewish pilgrimage feasts; it commemorates...