To Bring or not to Bring, that is the Question!
Hello friends!
Listed below is a list of things we suggest you bring to Israel. If you have any questions let us know! Remember that this is a pilgrimage and not a vacation, which means that we will live more simply and rely on those around us.
Israel Summer Packing List

Large Backpacking backpack 45-50 Liters
Best if small enough to fit in the carry-on compartment, especially if it has a frame: 22 x 18 x 10in
If you check it or a suitcase, 7% chance it arrives a couple days late and will be delivered to us
Pack not necessarily full to begin with (space for group items and souvenirs)
Regular sized backpack (day pack)
This will be your “personal item” for the flight
Pack in here 2 nights of clothing and small toiletries (no liquids over 3.4oz)
Misc. Items:
Sleeping bag or liner (very compact, lightweight, warm-weather)
Student ID card (discounts)
Pouch (Money Belt) for passport, cash, and info card
Bible: that is small or one that is important to you
Journal and/or pocket notepad to jot vocab or personal notes during daily life, homilies, etc.
Folder and, pen, pencil
Personal book, preferably relating to the trip! Some books with also be available to borrow during the trip.
Phone: we'll detach from all devices most of the time, but it's good to have for emergencies, info, and telling the time.
Water bottle (disposable one if you want, or you can grab on here)
Towel not too big! or you can borrow one here
Small travel-size toiletries. (All liquids must fit in a quart ziploc, and not over 3oz)
Small bottle of sun-screen
Shoes: we'll walk as much 5 miles per day, including hilly cobblestone streets, rocky hiking trails, a ½ mile walk through knee-deep water, communal showers (if you’re afraid of fungus), and attending church & synagogue services
Yes, some pilgrims have made it with one trusty pair of Chacos, but we recommend:
Sandals like Chacos, Tevas, or Birkenstocks that you can walk in
Hiking shoes (not boots or tennis shoes, not white or loud colors)
Flip flops (for showers and beach)
Clothing (we’ll have access to washing machines every few days):
Swimsuit (modest, one piece or tankini)
Underwear for 5-6 days, a couple pair of socks
1 pair of lightweight pants
Scarf for women (for sun & Greek Orthodox churches--you can also buy one here)
Two light jacket/sweater/sweatshirt layers
Shorts for sleeping, hiking or beach
3 skirts (at least to the knees)
bike shorts work great for under skirts
6-7 shirts
T-shirts only if they are dressy
Dry-fit shirts are great!
You will also need a couple of nicer blouses
Swim trunks
Underwear for 5-6 days, a couple pair of socks
2 pair of lightweight pants
Two light jacket/sweater/sweatshirt layers Shorts for sleeping, hiking or beachOne light jacket, sweater or sweatshirt--guaranteed that we won’t see rain!
nice pair for hiking and around town
1 sporty for beach, hiking and sleeping--we’ll be camping and bunking guys in relative proximity to girls. Please sleep in more than boxers!
6-7 shirts
Dry-fits are great!
(T-shirts only if they are dressy)
You will need a couple of nicer shirts (polos, button ups)
Bring if you have: These are items that aren't necessary for the pilgrimage but useful to bring if you have them
Hammock (for camping)
Mosquito net-we camp tentless, so I like to lay a light mosquito net over my head to keep from being nipped during the night
Head lamp
Plug converter (you can borrow mine here, but you might want it for airports)
NOT to bring:
Large bottles of shampoo, lotion, etc
Laptop (one will be available for limited use)
Camera (Please volunteer to bring a camera if you have a good one and some experience. A few of us will take photos for everyone)
Breviary – no need, we'll have booklets
Hair Dryer
Low-cut collars, tank-tops
Shekels – we will exchange money together, no need to do this ahead of time
Bring $50 to have on you as you travel. In addition to this, bring other spending money. We can also loan you extra, and we will keep track and settle at the end.
Food will be covered by our budget, except a couple meals/snacks ($30), depending on your airport layovers, and your need for snack stops. In general, we'll be living a spirit of poverty and Providence, which will mean sometimes eating simply or giving up the chance to shop, or humbly welcoming others' generosity!