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Days in Emmaus

Dear friends and family, hi again!

It has been a while since our last post and we are excited to update you about our time at Emmaus, Israel! We have been here for almost a week now and have started to become more accustomed to the lifestyle here. Our days usually start with morning prayer or mass, breakfast, and then some chores. This past week we got to spend a lot of time helping the Community do some cooking and fix their roof. We have loved having the opportunity to serve and give back to this amazing community since they have so welcomingly invited us into their home. Right before lunch we usually have time with just our group to practice some more Hebrew and learn more about the connection between the Jewish and Catholic traditions. Then we have some free time after where we can read, take naps, journal, or go for a walk in the park that is around the community house. Adoration usually goes on for periods throughout the day, which gives us many opportunities to pray. We usually end the day with night prayer, dinner, and time to either finish up some of the chores or have more group time. It has been so much fun getting to know everyone better and it’s beautiful to see how everyone’s own gifts adds something special and unique to our group.

We have already learned so much here in Emmaus and we can’t believe that we still have so much more to experience! Praise God!


The pilgrims :)

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