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A Day in Switzerland

On our way to Israel, we were blessed to have a day-long layover in Zurich, Switzerland. The Community of the Beatitudes has a German-speaking house in Zug, just forty minutes by train from the airport, and they were gracious enough to host us for the day!

Two priests from the Community showed us around the city and led us on an uphill hike to visit a small chapel, where we spent time learning from them and praising God together. The view of the city from the top of the hill was incredible!

The house in Zug has a special mission working with young people, and their passion inspired us tremendously. It was such a blessing to take in some of God's beauty through this wonderful little city, and to meet the Community here.

Leaving Switzerland behind, we have now officially arrived in Israel! It's been a busy few weeks, but we are now at Emmaus-Nicopolis, our home for the next three months, along with the final member of our group, Marie, who joined us from France. We are so excited to share more of our experiences with you. Stay tuned!

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